ETH token contract: 0x1a11Ea9d61588D756D9f1014c3Cf0D226aEdd279

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Key features:

Monetary Implementation of Libertarian Economies and Ideologies (MILEI) is the token based on the most talked (and memeable) President in the world right now: Javier Milei.

Safest contract in the world: created via Unicrypt Token Factory so no owner functions.

All the suply was putted into the liquidity pool. No team tokens, or any BS.

A strong community that believes in the project (check out our holders map).

Organic growth, we have been growing nonstop for the last couple of days, without the need of payed shillers or callers. People truly see the potential on this project.

Javier Milei is pro BTC and crypto, which makes him a constant subject on CT.

Javier Milei is crazy, which makes him a constant generator of memes.

Check our telegram and see for yourself the greatest community in the crypto space.


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TOTAL SUPPLY 10 000 000
TAX Buy/Sell 0% , cause we're libertarians and we believe in a free market.
LIQUIDITY LP locked for the entire presidency of Javier Milei (Oct 2027)

how to buy?

1. Download the Metamask extension or uniswap on mobile and create an account

2. Connect MetaMask to the Uniswap or straight go to uniswap app and paste the eth addres:


3. Be happy

Milei the chad!